Monday, January 26, 2009

Were Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom Clients? What Happened at 2316 Chipman Street January 5th-7th?

llegedly, Lemaricus was under investigation and the house on Chipman street was under surveillance b/c of (what is being called) drug activity and “prostitution”.

It is more than likely they saw Channon and Christopher enter the house that night. Along with some other things she may have been involved in, Channon’s death may have resulted from this. ” (GhettoBraggingRights publisher Kirkland Perkins)

1 comment:

  1. Dexiter must be about as dumb as the shit that commited these subhuman acts. If Dexiter believes that there really is a "new white black on white sexual fetish of black death by sexual torture", he's a brainless animal as well. If these two young persons went into this situation to experience rape & torture, then Emmett Till probably went into the store in Money, Mississippi becausue he felt like he needed a good ass-whipping.

